The Star of Lochner Street Hill is the story of eleven year old Lashly Brown who lives in Tasmania. Lashly is sent on a Mission by a magical owl named Shimmering. His mission is to bring back a star which is being sought after by various powerful entities including a very cunning faun named Lurden Underwood and a sea monster Kraken. Lashly ventures into the world of Faerie, by going down a tunnel uncovered beneath the floorboard of his dad’s shed. Here, only metres below his home he finds that trolls, dragons, elves, wizards and dwarves exist. But Shimmering’s Quest to bring back the Star of Courage to Tasmania is no easy feat. He has to battle through realms of Marsh harpies, murderous demon imps, a giant spider not to mention a Kraken that breaks through the realm barrier and wreaks havoc on his hometown of Latrobe. But with the help of Neptune, the ever hilarious pelican and Thomas Rain, a disgruntled dwarf and his three warm-hearted brothers he may just succeed!