Tozall should have been put to death at birth for being blind, and his chieftain won’t let him forget it.
Constantly accused of being a burden, Tozall struggles to keep up with other children his age and avoid Dhurc’s wrath. As more complex tasks are expected of him, Tozall is forced to interact with the world more and more through the realm of the spirits, the only place he can see. Ancestors, clan spirit guides, and more heed his call, helping him shape the world around him.
Welcomed at last into the Shamanic Council, Tozall hopes he’s finally found a home with people that understand him. But he’s crossed a line he didn’t realize existed: he interacted directly with another clan’s Espiritus, and now there’s trouble. With his own mentor unable to protect him, Tozall has only one hope: that the Rocs that guide him can save him, one last time.