The 2nd International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimi- tion (EMO 2003) was held on April 8-11, 2003, at the University of the Algarve in Faro, Portugal. This was the second international conference dedicated en- rely to this important topic, following the very successful EMO 2001 conference, whichwasheldinZuric ] h, Switzerland, inMarch2001.EMO2003wasco-located with the IFAC International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems and S- nal Processing (ICONS 2003), exposing EMO to a wider audience of scientists and engineers. The EMO 2003 scienti?c program included two keynote addresses, one given byDavidScha?eronoptimizationandmachinelearninginindustry, andanother delivered by Pekka Korhonen on multiple-criteria decision making. In addition, three tutorials were presented, one on multicriterion decision analysis by - lerie Belton, another on multiobjective evolutionary algorithms by Kalyanmoy Deb, and a third on multiple objective metaheuristics by Andrzej Jaszkiewicz. The President of the Portuguese Innovation Agency, Prof. Jo ao Silveira Lobo, and the President of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Prof. Fernando Ramoa Ribeiro, attended the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony, respectively. In response to the call for papers, 100 full-length papers were submitted from 27 countries. Fifty-six papers were accepted for presentation at the conference after thorough reviewing by members of the program committee and they are contained in this volume. April 2003 Carlos M. Fonseca, Peter J. Fleming, Eckart Zitzler, Kalyanmoy Deb, and Lothar Thiele Organization EMO 2003 was organized by CSI (Centre for Intelligent Systems, University of the Algarve, Portugal) with the support of EvoNet (European Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing).