俄亥俄大學攝影系主任 阿諾.凱森博士11/9/1988
November 9, 1988
A Critical Letter of Reference for Ben Yu:
Ben's exhibition photographs offer significant cultural, coloristic, and iconic excitement. His image arrays and the three-dimensional presentations offer interesting and complex solutions to the usual limited effects of small scale and lack of physical solidity inherent in photographic art.
The arrays present aesthetic and cultural dialectical possibilities for the viewer which are neither quickly nor easily solved. These assemblages of multiple prints ean be read as color-field investigations (with vigorous and significant uses of strong red, a cultural carryover from Ben's Chinese inheritance, seen for itself rather than as an indicator of violence or as a political mnemonic) . They can be examined as unusually witty and vigorous investigations of space. They can be seen as reexaminations of unfolded space or as form and color, reflecting minimalist concerns. Or they can be examined as notebook summaries of an artist's response to the American landscape of the moment. The complete body of work includes three-dimensional arrays which invite contemplative examination of implied and actual motion as well as implied and actual color.
The scale of the three-dimensional and the flat assembled arrays permits a response to the photograph one usually finds reserved for paintings, and previous assumptions about correct photographic viewing distance are immediately discarded. Added pleasure is to be found in the fact that each picture element within an array is also a well seen, competently crafted complete statement in and of itself. This visual richness discourages facile viewing, often the hallmark of photographic exhibitions. One is encouraged to study the pattern of the entire array, walk up and explore each individual picture for detailed, inner content, then step back and begin again. The rewards are significant.
Arnold Gassan, Ph. D.
Photography Chairperson
School of Art
Ohio University
Athens OH 45701