百萬暢銷書系 David Walliams 最新作
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全彩圖文呈現10個史上最糟糕寵物的瘋狂故事:魔術師的兔子 Houdini、愛在世界趴趴走的超音速烏龜 Zoom、藏著大秘密的灰熊 Griselda、巨無霸金魚……全都不是省油的燈,製造的混亂場景會讓你倒吸一口氣,大喊:「快逃!」還有其他包羅萬象寵物:好寵物,壞寵物,超級惡霸寵物,像房子一樣大的寵物、能一口吃掉你的寵物……最搞笑和最生猛的寵物,等著大膽的你來發掘!
有「羅德.達爾接班人」之稱的英國暢銷作家大衛.威廉(David Walliams)所著The World’s Worst Children、The World’s Worst Teachers、The World’s Worst Parents系列作在全球掀起暢銷熱潮,也讓他成為許多孩童心中最愛作家。爆笑精采的故事,輕易勾起孩子對閱讀的興趣,相當適合從橋樑書逐步進階到小說入門階段的孩子閱讀。
Millions of readers have loved The World’s Worst Children, The World’s Worst Teachers and The World’s Worst Parents – now they will delight in this ludicrously laugh-out-loud collection of pets, brought to you by the phenomenal Number One bestselling author David Walliams, with every story illustrated in vibrant colour by Adam Stower.
These ten tales of the world’s craziest creatures will have you shaking with laughter. You’ll never look at pets in the same way again!
Marvel at Houdini, the magician’s rabbit. Take a trip around the world with Zoom, the supersonic tortoise. Gasp at the chaos created by Griselda, a grizzly bear with a big secret. And RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It’s Furp, the monstrous goldfish!
Good pets, bad pets, supervillain pets, pets as big as a house and pets that could eat you in one gulp – these are the most hilarious and horrendous animals around.
David Walliams was most recently Children’s #1 bestseller for six weeks with Gangsta Granny Strikes Again! (TCM chart: from 20 Nov 2021)