認識英文字源 像看小說一樣輕鬆!
一般字典囿於篇幅有限,無法細說千年來英語字根們生成的來龍去脈,幸好有Funk博士寫出這本《Thereby Hangs A Tale》,借重他豐富的語言知識和幽默的生花妙筆,將數百個字根的發展史娓娓道來,包括最初的起源、本意、延伸字詞、歷史摭聞、各種變異等等。知悉這些字源所從何來,無論對字彙量或是語言理解程度都將有相當大的助益。(文/ 博客來編譯)
The Greek root of school means leisure.
A language where hearse and rehearse have the same root and the word dunce comes from a great philosopher, English has hundreds of every day words that originated or acquired their meaning in unusual ways. Dictionaries don't have the space to tell us all the mysteries, but now Dr. Funk, with humor and insight, tells us the strange and intriguing stories of hundreds of words and how they came to be a part of our language.