Major life transitions such as leaving the protected environment of school or starting a new career can be daunting. It is scary to face a wall of choices, knowing that no one is going to tell us whether or not we are making the right decision. There is no clearly delineated path or recipe for success. Even figuring out how and where to start can be a challenge. That is, until now.
As executive director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, Tina Seelig guides her students as they make the difficult transition from the academic environment to the professional world, providing tangible skills and insights that will last a lifetime. Seelig is an entrepreneur, neuroscientist, and popular teacher, and in What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 she shares with us what she offers her students rovocative stories, inspiring advice, and a big dose of humility and humor.
These pages are filled with fascinating examples, from the classroom to the boardroom, of individuals defying expectations, challenging assumptions, and achieving amazing success. Seelig throws out the old rules and provides a new model for reaching our highest potential. We discover how to have a healthy disregard for the impossible, how to recover from failure, and how most problems are remarkable opportunities in disguise.
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 is a much-needed book for everyone looking to make their mark on the world.
婷娜.希莉格(Tina Seelig)
希莉格於1985年獲得史丹佛大學的神經科學博士學位,曾任職知名的布茲、艾倫與漢彌頓管理顧問公司(Booz, Allen & Hamilton)、康柏電腦公司(Compaq),還曾創辦一家叫做「圖書瀏覽器」(BookBrowser)的多媒體公司。現任史丹佛科技創業計畫(STVP)執行長;STVP致力於高科技創業教育,為不同領域的學生提供創業技巧,鼓勵他們以創新方式解決世界的問題。希莉格也在史丹佛的哈索普萊特納設計學院教授創造力、創新和創業精神的課程。
除了這本《科學爆米花:不可思議的廚房實驗室》(Incredible Edible Science,中文版由遠哲基金會出版),希莉格總共寫過15本科普書籍。此外,希莉格的兒子小時候對魔術和棒球卡很有興趣,她從中得到靈感,創造出一系列《頭腦遊戲》(Games for your Brain),用卡片教導小孩子各種科學觀念。
.2009年美國國家工程學會高爾登獎(Gordon Prize),肯定希莉格和STVP創始者拜爾斯(Tom Byers)對工程教育的貢獻。
.2008年美國奧林帕斯創新獎(National Olympus Innovation Award),肯定希莉格和拜爾斯提出創新的教學方式和實做的機會,為學生營造創新思考的環境。
.2004年STVP 獲選為那斯達克年度創業中心。
Tina Seelig has a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the Stanford School of Medicine and is the executive director of the Stanford Technolog Ventures Program, which is the entrepreneurship center at Stanford University's School of Engineering. In addition, Seelig teaches courses on entrepreneurship and innovation in the Department of Management Science and Engineering and in the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. She frequently speaks and runs workshops for executives in a wide range of disciplines and has written several popular science books for adults and children.