從主持小組會議至管理跨國集團,每個人一生中或多或少都有領導的經驗與資格,許多書籍或課程也都有教授領導的技巧,但如何將這份才能發揮到極致,帶領自己與團隊邁向成功之路,必定得先認識領袖精神中最核心的「EP」(Executive Presence)。
職場權力與影響力專家Sylvia Ann Hewlett在廣泛蒐集與研究全美大學畢業生跨部門與跨領域的工作相關數據後,發現「EP」其實就是儀表、溝通與態度的綜合體,優秀的領袖人材會善用這三種方式來幫助自己在職場上加分,一點一滴地建立信心與信譽,完美達成理想與目標。
Are you “leadership material?” More importantly, do others perceive you to be? Sylvia Ann Hewlett, a noted expert on workplace power and influence, shows you how to identify and embody the Executive Presence (EP) that you need to succeed.
You can have the experience and qualifications of a leader, but without executive presence, you won't advance. EP is an amalgam of qualities that true leaders exude, a presence that telegraphs you're in charge or deserve to be. Articulating those qualities isn't easy, however.
Based on a nationwide survey of college graduates working across a range of sectors and occupations, Sylvia Hewlett and the Center for Talent Innovation discovered that EP is a dynamic, cohesive mix of appearance, communication, and gravitas. While these elements are not equal, to have true EP, you must know how to use all of them to your advantage.
Filled with eye-opening insights, analysis, and practical advice for both men and women, mixed with illustrative examples from executives learning to use the EP, Executive Presence will help you make the leap from working like an executive to feeling like an executive.