• 洛杉磯時報(LA Times)年度暢銷書第三名
• 舊金山紀事報(San Francisco Chronicle)年度暢銷書
• 奇科幻雜誌《軌跡》年度暢銷書第一名
• 榮獲1999年法國最佳奇科幻小說Julia Verlanger Award
• Amazon讀者評鑑四星半
Richard Mayhew is a young man with a good heart and an ordinary life, which is changed forever when he stops to help a girl he finds bleeding on a London sidewalk. His small act of kindness propels him into a world he never dreamed existed. There are people who fall through the cracks, and Richard has become one of them. And he must learn to survive in this city of shadows and darkness, monsters and saints, murderers and angels, if he is ever to return to the London that he knew.
A fantastic story that is both the stuff of dreams and nightmares (San Diego Union-Tribune), Neil Gaiman s first solo novel has become a touchstone of urban fantasy, and a perennial favorite of readers everywhere.
尼爾‧蓋曼(Neil Gaiman)
生於英國。可說是當代奇才,創作領域涵括奇幻╱科幻╱恐怖小 說、兒童故事╱繪本、漫畫、報紙專欄、歌詞創作,亦參與編寫電影劇本。作品屢獲大獎,本本暢銷,更名列《文學傳記辭典》(Dictionary of Literary Biography)十大後現代作家。他擅長融會現代都市文明與古老奇幻傳說,交織人性的幽暗與瑰麗,想像力大膽豐富,筆觸簡練而詼諧。蓋曼與多位畫家合 作的漫畫系列「Sandman」,以獨特的黑暗幽默風靡九○年代歐美大眾,獲獎無數,是許多歐美漫畫迷的最愛。小說《星塵》(Stardust)獲創神 獎、《Coraline》獲星雲獎、《美國眾神》(American Gods)更獲星雲獎、雨果獎、軌跡獎等多項榮譽。他與著名獨立音樂女歌手Tori Amos是多年好友,Amos屢在創作歌曲中讚揚蓋曼,引用他作品中的意象。作家專屬網站:http://www.neilgaiman.com
Neil Gaiman is a tour de force of creative talent. He is the bestselling author of Coraline and Stardust, both of which are major motion films. Neil also co-wrote the script for Beowulf starring Anthony Hopkins and Angeline Jolie. He is the creator/writer of the award-winning Sandman comic series and has written several books for children. His latest title, The Graveyard Book, won the Teenage Booktrust Prize 2009. Neil has been immortalised in song by Tori Amos, and is a songwriter himself. His official website now has more than one million unique visitors each month, and his online journal is syndicated to thousands of blog readers every day.