藝術與時尚往往都是共生共存的,透過藝術家所穿著的服飾,反映出他們的藝術品味與個性。無論是二十世紀最偉大的英國攝影大師:比頓(Cecil Beaton)經典豔麗訂製西裝、墨西哥傳奇女畫家:芙烈達•卡蘿(Frida Kahlo)對鮮豔民族風格的喜愛,還是20世紀女性普普藝術先驅:辛蒂雪曼(Cindy Sherman)對極簡主義的偏愛,藝術家的服裝反映出作品的創造性和精神本質。
在《傳奇藝術家與他們的衣櫥》書中,英國時尚權威Terry Newman探究超過四十個藝文圈中極富盛名的大師,他們歷久不衰的藝術擁有特殊的印記,而其獨特的穿著透過標誌性的外觀、髮型或配飾,完美的詮釋藝術與服飾之間的關係。
除了因藝術家自身性格所造就的穿搭風格,書中也提及藝術與時尚之間的對話。許多時尚設計師都透過藝術作品啟發靈感,如聖羅蘭(Yves Saint Laurent)的蒙德里安裙(Mondrian Dress)系列,是由荷蘭抽象幾何圖案畫家Piet Mondrian 1921年的代表作品所發想: 這幅畫由黑色粗線分隔紅黃藍白的大大小小方格而成,色彩鮮明的格子被應用在服裝上,可謂當時的現代時尚先鋒。還有路易威登(Louis Vuitton)與許多主要藝術家的開創性合作,並由設計師Marc Jacobs所創作,推出時尚界最成功的包包,並將當代大師的藝術品推向世界,從此被廣泛傳播。
Whether it’s Cecil Beaton’s flamboyant, classically tailored suits, Frida Kahlo’s love of bright color, or Cindy Sherman’s penchant for minimalism, an artist’s attire often reflects the creative and spiritual essence of his or her work. In Legendary Artists and the Clothes They Wore, fashion authority Terry Newman presents more than forty fully illustrated profiles of masters whose enduring art bears an idiosyncratic stamp—and whose unique way of dress does the same through a signature look, hairstyle, or accessory—and explores the relationship between the two in detail.
In that context, this colorful volume also examines the nonlinear sensibility that has always been the name of the game in what is considered modern style. It examines the dialogue between art and fashion as well as noteworthy artist and designer relationships, such as Yves Saint Laurent’s Mondrian Collection, primary-colored shift dresses inspired by the painter’s work, and Louis Vuitton’s numerous groundbreaking collaborations with major artists, a concept initiated by designer Marc Jacobs that not only has launched some of the fashion industry’s most successful bags, made the art of contemporary masters available to the world at large, and been copied widely ever since.
Numerous compelling features—anecdotes about the artists and their work; portraits of the artists in their studios; archival photographs; select pairings of fine art and runway imagery; quotations by artists, art critics, and designers—make this a rich, engaging study for fashion and art lovers alike.