1.Completely Updated: This text has been completely updated to reflect the latest business practices and other developments affecting business, i.e. European debt crisis and its affect on the U.S. economy, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, cloud computing, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), growing economic importance of China.
2.Thoroughly updated examples throughout the text with the most current information available about the large number of companies of all sizes and industries (e.g., service, manufacturing, nonprofit, and profit) in the United States and around the world included in this text.
3.NEW: Using Social Media in Business boxes ask students to consider the impact social media on the way they communicate and the way companies conduct business as a result.
4.NEW or updated theme boxes: The critical themes of the revision remain tried and true to our past editions: ecommerce, small business and entrepreneurship, global business, technology and change, customer focus, ethics and social responsibility, teams and teamwork, quality, cultural diversity, The authors continue to feature boxes titled 'Spotlight on Small Business,' Making Ethical Decisions,' 'Legal Briefcase,' 'Dealing with Change,' and 'Reaching Beyond our Borders' with the most current information available throughout the chapters.
5.NEW: All new 'Getting to Know Business Professionals' chapter opening profiles engage students in the story about a person whose career illustrates an important point covered in the chapter. Not all of the individuals are famous since many of them work in small businesses and nonprofit organizations. These profiles provide a transition between chapters and a good introduction to the text material.
6.NEW: All new 'Name that Company' features open each chapter. These brief boxes ask questions to pique students' interest about a company and encourage them to read the chapter as they scavenger hunt to determine the company name.
William G. Nickels
現職:University of Maryland
James M. McHugh
現職:St. Louis Community College at Forest Park
Susan M. McHugh
現職:Applied Learning Systems