1.以較實務觀點介紹數位信號處理的基本原理與應用。2.內容較淺,適宜初學者使用。For undergraduate courses in Digital SignalProcessing, and for two/three-year programs inelectronics or computer engineering technology. Thistext introduces Digital Signal Processing and itsfundamentals so that students can design and implementsynthesis, analysis, filtering and modulation ofsignals in DSP applications. An intuitive and familiarapproach using vector arithmetic—the mathematicsbehind DSP—gives students the necessary literacy toapply this technology to the design of practicalcircuits. The book also provides the background andnomenclature needed to attend seminars and pursuefurther studies.
Table of Contents
Ch1. The Digital Processing Environment.
Ch2. Building Digital Signals.
Ch3. Properties of Digital Signals.
Ch4. Processing Signals.
Ch5. Spectral Analysis.
Ch6. Frequency Response of DSP Systems.
Ch7. Designing the System Response.
Ch8. Designing Digital Filters.
Ch9. Implementing DSP Systems.
Appendix A: Complex Numbers and Vectors.
Appendix B: Processing Binary Numbers.Index
Table of Contents
Ch1. The Digital Processing Environment.
Ch2. Building Digital Signals.
Ch3. Properties of Digital Signals.
Ch4. Processing Signals.
Ch5. Spectral Analysis.
Ch6. Frequency Response of DSP Systems.
Ch7. Designing the System Response.
Ch8. Designing Digital Filters.
Ch9. Implementing DSP Systems.
Appendix A: Complex Numbers and Vectors.
Appendix B: Processing Binary Numbers.Index