When Scat comes up with the idea for the hottest new soda ever, he's sure he'll retire the next rich, savvy marketing success story. But in the treacherous waters of corporate America there are no sure things--and suddenly Scat has to save not only his idea but his yet-to-be-realized career. With the help of the scarily beautiful and brainy 6, he sets out on a mission to reclaim the fame and fortune that, time and again, eludes him.
This brilliantly scathing debut is a hilarious send-up of celebrity, sexual politics, corporate America, and the fleeting status that comes with getting to the table first--before the other guy has you for lunch.
麥克斯.拜瑞(Max Barry)
他是從企業行銷戰線退下來的存活者,他曾在澳洲兩間主要大學教授課程,同時也是「Jennifer Government」(滾石文化出版)一書的作者。其著作堪稱商戰之王,充滿幽默譏刺的筆調,深為業界歡迎,同時廣受大眾喜愛,雖然他自認讀者一定當他是個做作的渾球。他目前住在澳洲墨爾本,全職寫作,他認為寫作最大的優點是,你只需穿條內褲坐在電腦前就能搞定。
Maxx Barry is a survivor from the trenches of corporate marketing and has taught the subject at two major Australian universities. This is his first novel.