本書已改編為電影《打不倒的勇者》,此為電影封面版,原著書名《Playing the Enemy》。
約翰.卡林(John Carlin, 1956.5.12~)
出生於英國倫敦,目前為西班牙大報《鄉村報》(El Pais)的資深國際作家,先前曾擔任英國《獨立報》(The Independent)駐美國與南非辦事處主任。他也曾為多家重要媒體如《紐約時報》、英國《觀察家報》撰稿。他同時也是電影《終極警探4.0》的編劇之一,該電影是根據他在美國《Wired》雜誌發表的文章改編而來。
除了《打不倒的勇者》,卡林的作品還有《火爆英雄》(Heroica Tierra Cruel),是他在南非期間,採訪曼德拉、屠圖樞機主教等重要人物的文章集結;另一本作品《白天使》(White Angels)介紹知名球隊皇家馬德里隊,並在英國、西班牙、中國、美國及日本出版。卡林也是2004年英國新聞獎年度最佳美食報導獎得主。
Beginning in a jail cell and ending in a rugby tournament—the true story of how the most inspiring charm offensive in history brought South Africa together.
After being released from prison and winning South Africa’s first free election, Nelson Mandela presided over a country still deeply divided by fifty years of apartheid. His plan was ambitious if not far-fetched: use the national rugby team, the Springboks—long an embodiment of white-supremacist rule—to embody and engage a new South Africa as they prepared to host the 1995 World Cup. The string of wins that followed not only defied the odds, but capped Mandela’s miraculous effort to bring South Africans together again in a hard-won, enduring bond.
John Carlin
John Carlin is senior international writer for El Pais, the world’s leading Spanish language newspaper, and was previously the U.S. bureau chief for The Independent on Sunday. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, The New Republic, Wired, Spin, and Conde Nast Traveler.