Police National Legal Database, PNLD, Mark Hartley, Former Legal Adviser, PNLD, Paul Ozin KC
PNLD has been providing a comprehensive legal database and other legal products and services to the 43 police forces in England and Wales for over 25 years. Over this time, its customer base has expanded to include policing partners and other law enforcement agencies. PNLD’s legal database covers all legal information that police officers are required to know, including criminal legislation, case law, offences, and guidance. The PNLD team is located in Wakefield, West Yorkshire and includes a number of dedicated Legal Advisers, who are all legally qualified and have extensive experience within the Criminal Justice System. Dr Mark Hartley is a former police officer with West Yorkshire Police and legal adviser for the Police National Legal Database. He is currently a strategic consultant in operational policing with the Abu Dhabi Police. He has a Law degree from Leeds University, later qualifying with a graduate certificate and diploma in management studies and a post graduate diploma in Law with distinction. He also has a PhD in policy transfer from Leeds University. Paul Ozin KC, BA (Oxon) specialises in financial, corporate and business crime cases, regulatory and disciplinary proceedings, and related civil, public law, and international cases. He is an author and speaker in those fields, including the co-author of Ozin & Norton, PACE - A Practical Guide to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (OUP, 2019). He is the Chair of The Association of Regulatory and Disciplinary Lawyers and a KC Chair of the Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Service