富韻律感的文字 x鮮豔明亮的童趣插圖
《Alphabet Ice Cream》由知名童書繪者Nick Sharratt和Sue Heap共同創作,字母、數字、顏色與相反詞四大生活化主題,透過24x30公分大開本的簡易故事,一看就懂,一學就會!
(1)Alphabet Ice Cream: An a-z of alphabet fun
吳敏蘭老師推薦:「讓學字母和吃冰淇淋一樣快樂的繪本!」Nick與Sue帶領小朋友們完成從A到Z的字母巡禮。在他們的眼中,X可以是兩隻鯨魚的親吻,Y是Nick覺得好吃(Yum)的優格,也可以是Sue覺得難吃(Yuk)的優格。插圖融入I Spy互動遊戲,E的背景圖裡躲著一隻大象(elephant),P的背景圖裡有一隻企鵝(penguin),孩子大聲說出答案時,成就感十足|
(2)One To Ten and Back Again
(3)Faster, Faster! Nice And Slow!
(4)Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly
Alphabet Ice Cream
A is for apple, B is for bat, C is for crocodile, camel and cat . . . Here is a unique and special alphabet book. This very simple text is about two friends, Sue and Nick, who like very different things but are still best friends. They take us through all their favourite things from ABC all the way to XYZ . . . X can mean kiss, Y is for yoghurt and yum and yuk too, Z is for zoom, goodbye, Nick and Su
One To Ten and Back Again
This very simple picture book is about two friends, Sue and Nick, who like very different things but are still best friends. They introduce us to all their favourite things from one boy called Nick and one girl called Sue to ten cakes for tea, and then all the way back down to one yellow moon shining in the night sky. The artwork is stunning with each artist contributing alternate pages in their own inimitable style. The deceptively simple text is perfect for children learning to read.
Faster, Faster! Nice And Slow!
Here is the perfect way to learn about opposites. Whether it's a quiet cat and a noisy dog, a freezing cold or a hot and sunny day or a super fast leopard and a family of slowly-slow snails, Sue and Nick introduce all sorts of opposites in an engaging and memorable way.
Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly
This very simple text is about two friends, Sue and Nick, who like different colours but are still good friends. The artwork is stunning with each artist contributing alternate pages in their own inimitable style. The deceptively simple text is perfect for children learning to read.