I guess every believer is conscious of wanting to go further with God, to dig deeper, and to climb higher. Paul himself said, "Not that I have already arrived, but I press on..." But the New Testament, whilst stating that qualification, also provides an astonishing optimism of grace - a marvellous confidence that God can do "all things" in and through us. The little book of Colossians expresses that confidence to a high degree. The writer is not daunted by the poor quality of the believers, neither by the sins of their past nor the distractions of their present. In simple, powerful prose, he outlines a challenge which is worth taking up. It is the challenge of Christian holiness. Jesus Christ has done a work - the past tense is exhilarating- so that he might offer us to God "holy and blameless and irreproachable." It is God’s design, that is, that we are "presented holy." It is the purpose of this book to explore how Colossians enables that undertaking.