Major is a German Shepherd Dog. Like most police dogs he is arrogant and more than a little self-centred, with a strong sense of natural justice and a stronger sense of humour. He enjoys nothing more than taking down his criminal prey, and knows that selling meaty lumps in tins is a diabolical conspiracy. He despairs at humans’ inability to use their senses, although his handler, Noddy, gets by with his help, and he regards most police dog instructors as superhuman (except the ones that are schafsköpfe). Major tells of how and why he signed up, and of his first winter fighting crime. It is an epic saga of one dog’s battle against human pond-life and a lurcher called Wendy, in four-dimensional space-time. Amongst other things it features a pitch invasion, a fire extinguisher and a Chindit. Oh, and people get bitten too. Don’t expect a who-dunnit, or even a why-they-dunnit. This is better; this is a how-a-police-dog-dunnit.