This is an event in the present that occurred to the two women of the Circle of Six. It is before David Appleby and the writing of the Goddess Gene. The event opens the woman’s awareness when they meet the reincarnated Leonardo Da Vince as he awakens to his own past life and the trauma of his 500 year plot to bring down the Catholic Church, by making the artefact known now, as the Turin Shroud. The memory sends him reeling into darkness and he attempts to take his own life. But like some special people before him, he carries the cataleptic gene and so passes into no mans land. Unable to return to his body he is destined to wander.... unless someone can find him. Someone, like the Egyptian Goddess Isis, who brought back Osiris, long ago. But does he know an Isis? And if he does get back who are the enemies that are pursuing him? And how can he escape them?