For undergraduate Principles of Marketing courses.
This best-selling, brief text introduces marketing through the lens of creating value for customers.
Today’s marketing is about creating customer value and building profitable customer relationships. With engaging real-world examples and information, Marketing: An Introduction shows students how customer value—creating it and capturing it—drives every effective marketing strategy.
Provide Examples of What Real Companies are Doing–Marketing at Work. This text features real-world applications that will help students learn how:
1.Web seller Zappos’ obsession with creating the very best customer experience has resulted in avidly loyal customers and astronomical growth.
2.Upscale discounter Target is shifting its strategy in the aftermath of the recent economic recession, emphasizing the “pay less” side of its “Expect more, pay less” slogan.
3.Nike’s customer-focused mission and deep sense of customer brand community have the company sprinting ahead while competitors are gasping for breath.
Trader Joe’s unique “cheap gourmet” price-value strategy has earned it an almost cult-like following of devoted customers who love what they get for the prices they pay.
4.ESPN has built a global brand empire as recognized and revered as megabrands like Coca-Cola, Nike, or Google.
Introduce students to new-age marketing–Coverage of New Technology. Readers will see what new technologies are being used in marketing, especially in regards to integrated marketing communications and direct marketing. Topics include:
1.“Web 3.0”
4.The new-age digital marketing and online technologies
Gary Armstrong
現職:University of North Carolina
Philip Kotler
現職:North Western University