For undergraduate marketing research courses. The “nuts and bolts” of marketing research.Marketing Research gives students a “nuts and bolts” understanding of marketing research and provides them with extensive information on how to use it. Written at a level first-time marketing research students can understand, this text provides the fundamentals of the statistical procedures used to analyze data without dwelling on the more complex and intricate concepts.
Online Link to Careers in Marketing Research: Some students will be interested in marketing research as a career. Beginning with the 6th edition and continued to the 7th, this text provides an online areer?link, giving the authors the opportunity to post new happenings in the industry when they occur. Students will find descriptions of positions, salary information, educational requirements, and links to actual position openings. Active Learning Challenges: These short exercises, embedded at strategic points in each chapter,task students to use the concept(s) they have just learned to experiment with or apply to some illustrative situation. The authors believe these exercises serve to solidify learning on the relevant concepts.Synthesize Your Learning: This feature helps students synthesize the knowledge they have gained across several chapters. The exercises require students to go back to previous chapters and integrate material into answers for the exercise. The following ynthesize Your Learning?exercises are to found at the end of the following chapters:Chapter 5; Drill Bits, Inc.Chapter 6; Jackie & Adele Coffee ShopChapter 8; Moe Tortilla Wraps Chapter 10; Niagara Falls Tourism AssociationChapter 13; Pets, Pets, PetsChapter 15; Alpha AirlinesGuidelines on Reporting Statistical Analyses to Clients. Based on their own observations in the classroom, the authors have added guidelines to help students write reports after conducting a statistical analysis using SPSS. The iReportWriting Assistant: To help prepare students for writing in the professional world Burns/Bush asked a business communications expert, Dr. Heather Donofrio, to develop an online resource that helps students as they develop their writing skills. In the new iReportWriting Assistant, available on, students are either linked to sites that specialize in a particular issue relevant to report writing or given information on the following topics: ● What to do prior to writing?● Templates to help students get started writing● Help with grammar● Help with citations● Example reportsAdvanced Data Analysis Modules. Even undergraduate students taking their first course in marketing research may need some knowledge of statistical analyses other than those we have provided in the text. There are times when students need additional knowledge of analyses other than the basics provided in this text. To provide instructors with this flexibility, Burns/Bush offer additional data analysis techniques online in two categories: nonparametric tests and multivariate techniques. The topics covered are:Full Integration of SPSS 17.0: SPSS is the most popular statistical software in the marketing research industry. By integrating SPSS 17.0 into the text, students are eased into understanding the software while professors spend more time teaching what the analysis technique is, when to use it, and how to interpret it ather than explaining how to use the software.