Introduction. Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes beyond 1995 (R.M. Timerbaev). Nuclear Arms Control in the Postcold War Era (R. Imai). Toward a Universal Framework of Nuclear Restraint (M.A. Khan). The NPT’s Prospects (J.F. Pilat). The Last Nuclear Summit? (M. Reiss). 1995: A Time for Optimism? (B. Sanders). India and the NPT after the Cold War (R.G.C. Thomas). Perspectives of Nonproliferation: A View from Russia (O.A. Grinevsky). The Future of the NPT: A German Perspective (J. Krause). Beyond 1995: The NPT and Europe (H. Müller). The NPT, the Treaty of Tlatelolco, and the Future of Nonproliferation (J.R. Redick). Avoiding Amendment of the NPT (C.N. Van Doren). What Happens to Safeguards if the NPT Goes? (D. Fischer). Does the NPT Matter? (L. Scheinman). Appendix: Toward 1995: United Nations Documents Relating to the Establishment and Functioning of the NPT, 1959-1993. Index.