"A magical tale of love and redemption that is as wonderfully written as it is captivating . . . Angels earns its wings."
–Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Margaret Quinn lives alone, quietly mourning the disappearance of her only child, who fled ten years earlier to join a radical student group known as the Angels of Destruction.
On a cold winter’s night, a nine-year-old girl arrives on Margaret’s doorstep, claiming to be an orphan with no place to go. This child beguiles Margaret, and together they hatch a plan to pass her off as her newly found granddaughter, Norah Quinn.
Their conspiracy is made vulnerable by Norah’s magical revelations to the children of the town, and by a lone figure shadowing the girl, who threatens to reveal the child’s true identity and purpose. Who are these strangers really? And what is their connection to the past, the Angels, and Margaret’s long-missing daughter?
凱斯.唐納修(Keith Donohue)
出生於一個愛爾蘭裔的美國家庭。就讀匹茲堡大學時,拜在桂冠詩人山繆.海澤(Samuel Hazo)門下,並靠寫作獎學金完成學業。他夢想能成為一個小說家,卻苦無出版機會。
二○○六年《失竊的孩子》終於付梓出版,而且一炮而紅,成了美國獨立書商協會的重點選書,不但登上《紐約時報》排行榜,在主流文學和奇幻文學圈內都大受好評,亞馬遜網路書店更簽下《失竊的孩子》的電影版權,作為進軍好萊塢的試金石。目前由《華麗年代》與《瑞秋要出嫁》的製片Marc Platt統籌電影改編事宜。
KEITH DONOHUE’s first novel, The Stolen Child, was a New York Times bestseller. For many years a ghostwriter, he now works at a federal governmental agency in Washington, D.C. He has published short stories and literary criticism, most recently an introduction to the collected works of Flann O’Brien. Donohue holds a Ph.D. in English from the Catholic University of America.