「夜之屋」(House of Night) 系列小說第1 ~ 4集盒裝版
(Marked / Betrayed / Chosen / Untamed)
The House of Night is a thrilling, New York Times bestselling book series that follows 16-year-old Zoey Redbird as she is “Marked” by a vampyre tracker and begins to undergo the “Change” into an actual vampyre. She has to leave her family in Broken Arrow, OK, and move into the House of Night, a boarding school for other fledgling vampyres like her.
It’s tough to begin a new life, away from her parents and friends, and on top of that, Zoey finds she is no average fledgling. She has been Marked as special by the vampyre Goddess, Nyx. Although Zoey has awesome new powers, it’s hard to fit in when everyone knows you’re “special.” As Zoey tries to make new friends and maybe find a hot boyfriend (or two), she comes up against all kinds of evil, from the perfect-looking, super-popular girl with not-so-faultless plans, to the mysterious deaths happening at the House of Night and all over Tulsa. Things at the House of Night are not always what they seem. Can Zoey find the courage deep within herself to find the truth and embrace her destiny?
菲莉絲.卡司特(P. C. Cast)
小說作品曾獲奧克拉荷馬書獎(Oklahoma Book Award)、美國圖書館協會YALSA Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers、稜鏡獎(Prism)、茉莉葉獎(Daphne du Maurier)、霍爾特獎章(Holt Medallion)、桂冠獎(Laurel Wreath)等多項肯定,並曾進入全美讀者選書獎(National Readers’ Choice Award)決選。資深的英文與寫作老師,住在美國奧克拉荷馬州陶沙市(Tulsa),也就是本系列故事發生的地方,「夜之屋」的所在。
克麗絲婷.卡司特(Kristin Cast)
P.C. CAST is an award-winning fantasy and paranormal romance author, as well as an experienced speaker and teacher. Her novels have been awarded the prestigious Prism, Daphne du Maurier, Affaire du Coeur, and other awards. She lives in Oklahoma.
KRISTIN CAST has won awards for her poetry and journalism. She also lives in Oklahoma where she attends the University of Tulsa as a communications major.