這是一本畫風精細的硬頁音效書,內容包含各式各樣的救援工具,包括消防車(Fire Truck)、救護直升機(Helicopter Rescue)、救護車(Ambulance),書上有四個按鈕,按下去可發出吵雜的警報聲或其他噪音,翻開小翻頁,則可以知道各種關於救援交通工具的小知識,例如當救護車藍燈閃爍時,就代表有緊急任務,消防車上的刻度盤則可以顯示消防水柱的水壓等。
此外,書中還有「找找看」的小遊戲,滿足小朋友的好奇心!家中有喜歡車輛的小朋友,絕不能錯過這本精緻又實用的硬頁音效書!(文 / 博客來編譯)
There is lots of lift-the-flap fun to be had and four flashing sound buttons to press in Noisy Fire Truck, a brilliant book for truck-mad kids.
Each spread focuses on a different rescue vehicle—from a fire truck to an ambulance, a rescue boat to a helicopter—with an exciting siren and other noises to hear on the press of each button. Lift the flaps and read the simple text to learn about the unique features on each vehicle, and there’s a simple matching activity for additional fun.
Publishing alongside Noisy Tractor.