「福爾摩斯先生已經退休,現正在英國南部鄉間隱居,專心研究養蜂事業去了……」多年來,位於英國倫敦的福爾摩斯故居,總會收到許許 多多來自世界各地,包 括熱情的書迷、走失寵物的主人、無解懸案的調查者等等,最熱切的請求,希望名偵探能再次出馬,解決他們的疑難雜症。然而,這些來信總 是得到上述這個制式的解答,直到一對兄弟打破了舊有的規矩……
二十年前,八歲的小女孩瑪拉遠從洛杉磯寄信到倫敦貝格街221B,請求福爾摩斯尋找她失蹤的父親。二十年後,一對經營律師事務所的 兄弟搬進福爾摩斯故居 所屬的大樓,再次接連收到同一個女孩的求助,但詭異的是,信中不但要求寄回當年信函裡的附件資料,末尾的署名竟與當年小女孩的字跡一 模一樣!越想越覺得不 對勁的弟弟決定打破規矩,主動去找瑪拉見面;面對不告而別旋即失去音訊的弟弟,哥哥也按捺不住性子,跟隨弟弟的行蹤進行調查,沒想到 在「天使之城」洛杉磯 迎接他的,是一具早已斷氣的冰冷男性屍體……
中譯本《福爾摩斯先生 收》由「臉譜」出版。
First in a spectacular new series about two brother lawyers who lease offices on London’s Baker Street—and begin receiving mail addressed to Sherlock Holmes
In Los Angeles, a geological surveyor maps out a proposed subway route—and then goes missing. His eight-year-old daughter in her desperation turns to the one person she thinks might help—she writes a letter to Sherlock Holmes.
That letter creates an uproar at 221b Baker Street, which now houses the law offices of attorney and man about town Reggie Heath and his hapless brother Nigel. Instead of filing the letter like he’s supposed to, Nigel decides to investigate. Soon he’s flying off to L.A., inconsiderately leaving a very dead body on the floor in his office. Big brother Reggie follows Nigel to California, as does Reggie’s sometime lover, Laura – a quick-witted stage actress who’s captured the hearts of both brothers.
When Nigel is arrested, Reggie must use all his wits to solve a case that Sherlock Holmes would have savored, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle fans will adore.
麥可.羅伯森 Michael Robertson
大學讀的是文學,畢業後又攻讀法學院,曾在教科書出版社任職,還寫過舞台劇,現為南加州某科技公司的專案經 理。《福爾摩斯先生收》是他所寫的第一部小說。
Michael Robertson works for a large company with branches in the United States and England. The Baker Street Letters is his first novel and has been optioned by Warner Bros. for television. He lives in Southern California.