《夜天使2 黯影邊緣》為美國紐約時報暢銷排行榜作家布蘭特.威克斯《夜天使1 黯影之途》之第二集。《夜天使》分別有三集:《夜天使1 黯影之途》、《夜天使2 黯影邊緣》、《夜天使3 黯影彼端》。人物形象鮮明,情節懸疑緊湊,動作場面刺激精采,令人著迷,一旦翻開閱讀就捨不得放下!
Kylar Stern has rejected the assassin's life. The Godking's successful coup has left Kylar's master, Durzo, and his best friend, Logan, dead. He is starting over: new city, new friends, and new profession.
But when he learns that Logan might actually be alive and in hiding, Kylar is faced with an agonizing choice: will he give up the way of shadows forever and live in peace with his new family, or will he risk everything by taking on the ultimate hit?
★本書中譯版《夜天使 2 黯影邊緣》由馥林文化出版。
布蘭特.威克斯 Brent Weeks
生長於蒙大拿,畢業於希爾斯戴爾大學,之後一段時間裡他像電影劇集《功夫》(Kung Fu)的主角虔官昌(Caine)那樣四處闖蕩,接著當過酒保也曾經誤人子弟(以上三件事情並非同時發生)。他最初寫作於酒吧餐巾紙上,然後是在上課的教案上,接下來就成為全職作家,因為有人肯付錢買他寫的東西了。初試啼聲就震盪奇幻界,更以黑馬之姿躍上《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜。
Brent Weeks was born and raised in Montana. After getting his paper keys from Hillsdale College, Brent had brief stints walking the earth like Caine from Kung Fu, tending bar, and corrupting the youth. (Not at the same time.) He started writing on bar napkins, then on lesson plans, then full time. Eventually, someone paid him for it. Brent lives in Oregon with his wife, Kristi. He doesn't own cats or wear a ponytail. Find out more about the author at www.brentweeks.com.