Written for surgical technologists, surgical first assistants, registered nurses, physicians, physician assistants, central service technicians, and surgical sales representatives, Surgical Instrumentation: An Interactive Approach, 4th Edition offers a level of visual clarity and realism unmatched by any other surgical instrument book. Many photos include close-up views of the instrument tip, so you can quickly discern differences between instruments. Interactive resources on the Evolve companion website allow you to view 360-degree rotations of more than 100 instruments. Also included are flash cards, timed memory exercises, Mayo stands, quizzes, and instrument sets for common procedures in various surgical specialties.
- Instruments organized by category within their surgical specialty make it easy to find specific instruments.
- More than 660 full-color instrument photographs with inset instrument tip photos help you learn the most common surgical instruments for all surgical procedures.
- Consistent, clear, and concise instrument monographs include names, category, use, and insight.
- Caution bullets detail potential hazards or concerns you must consider when using an instrument.
- Surgical Setups chapter familiarizes you with common instrument setups for various procedures.
- Reader-friendly layout with two instruments per page makes it easier to see the details of each instrument.
- Evolve companion website offers interactive exercises, practice quizzes, flash cards, and 360-degree instrument rotations to reinforce understanding.
- NEW! Basic Sterilization chapter provides comprehensive coverage of decontamination and sterilization of instruments.
- NEW!Basic Operating Room Supplies and Equipment chapter familiarizes you with what you will encounter in the OR.
- NEW!Additional close-up/inset photos of instruments give you a detailed way to examine and learn about instruments you’ll be working with on a daily basis.