圖書簡介CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 10e offers a practical, business approach, designed to help students apply consumer behavior principles to their studies in business and marketing, to their future business careers, and also to their private lives, as consumers. This multi-disciplinary field can tempt both students and instructors to stray from the basic business principles they should take away from the course. Blackwell keeps students focused on consumer decision making as it applies specifically to an overall understanding of business theory and practices through the CDP (Consumer Decision Process) model. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 10e focuses on why as well as how consumers make specific decisions and behave in certain ways - what motivates them, what captures their attention, and what retains their loyalty, turning "customers" into "fans" of an organization.
Current Consumer Behavior Topics: New applications of consumer behavior are covered in this edition, including viral marketing, e-mail marketing, mobile marketing, blogging, podcasting, advergaming, self-knowledge, phishing, framing, perceived scarcity, customer lifetime value, and many more, keeping readers up-to-date on the most current trends and activities in the marketplace.
Increased Coverage on Services: Health care is discussed throughout this edition for the first time since it is a hot topic and one out of five consumers' dollars is spent on this service, as are other services which are now more important than cars, computers and other products in creating jobs in the American and other economies.
Expanded Coverage on Brand Strategy and Equity: Brand strategies and the creation of brand equity are topics of increasing attention among marketers, and the coverage of these topics has been increased in this edition, including turning customers into "fans." There is also expanded coverage on minority marketing segments, especially Latino markets.