Someone has murdered euthanasia champion Dr. Eldon Mate--a self-styled Dr. Death responsible for scores of assisted suicides. In a burst of bloody irony, the killer chooses to dispatch the doctor in the back of Mate's own suicide van, hooking him up to the killing apparatus dubbed "the Humanitron"--and adding some butchering touches of his own. The case is assigned to veteran LAPD homicide detective Milo Sturgis, who turns, once again, to his friend Dr. Alex Delaware. But working this case raises a conflict of interest for Alex so profound that he can't even discuss it with Milo. The tension that develops between cop and psychologist further complicates an already baffling and complex murder investigation--one whose suspects include the families of Dr. Mate's "travelers," Mate's own son, and a psychopathic killer who relishes the geometry of death.
Dr. Death is a rich brew of unforgettable characters, labyrinthine plotting, page-turning prose, and the unique insights into the darkest corners of the human mind that have earned Jonathan Kellerman international accolades as the master of psychological suspense.
強納森.凱勒曼(Jonathan Kellerman)
全球頂尖暢銷作家之一,鬼才的他是漫畫家、是作家、擁有心理學的學位、是執業心理醫師,也是業餘音樂工作者。22歲便獲得了山繆高德溫寫作獎(Samuel Goldwyn Writing Award),24歲取得美國南加大心理學博士學位,專攻兒童心理學。凱勒曼將自己心理醫師執業多年的經驗融入作品當中,創造出一位智慧與行動力兼具的醫師偵探──亞力士.達拉威。
《亞力士心理探案系列》不僅在市場上獲得讀者熱烈的迴響,屢屢登上紐約時報暢銷書排行版之列,更囊括美國推理界各大重要獎項,包括最具指標性意義的「艾倫坡獎」(Edgar Award),以及「安東尼獎」(Anthony Awaed),並獲夏姆斯獎(Shamus Award)提名。除此之外,他也撰寫了為數眾多的散文、短篇故事、學術論文、兩本童書以及相關的心理學術叢書,亦與同為暢銷小說家的妻子Faye Kellerman合力創作了Double Homicide。除了暢銷作家身分之外,凱勒曼目前任教於美國南加大醫學院(Keck School of Medicine of USC),擔任臨床小兒科教授(Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology)。
Jonathan Kellerman is one of the world’s most popular authors. He has brought his expertise as a child psychologist to numerous bestselling tales of suspense (which have been translated into two dozen languages), including sixteen Alex Delaware novels; The Butcher’s Theater, a story of serial killing in Jerusalem; and Billy Straight, featuring Hollywood homicide detective Petra Connor. His new novel is The Murder Book. He is also the author of numerous essays, short stories, and scientific articles, two children’s books, and three volumes of psychology, including Savage Spawn: Reflections on Violent Children. He has won the Goldwyn, Edgar, and Anthony awards, and has been nominated for a Shamus Award. He and his wife, the novelist Faye Kellerman, have four children.