Tara Steckler has worked as a hairdresser for over 401 years. She is member of the Denver Metro Colostomy Support Group sharing her story with nursing students and helping patients adapting to their new colostomy. She has been on staff at the Contemplative Outreach Center for sixteen plus years sharing mindfulness and centering prayer meditation. Her next endeavor is to be an oblate of Saint Benedict - a monk living in the world, aiding the fight against human trafficking and working in the homeless shelters. Closing thoughts... What is my life’s purpose? Tears are a sign you’ve hit divine purpose (to always give back and have the awareness to do so). Thank you for reading my book. I thank all God’s people who helped me along the way. I have learned so much from so many. I’m still praying and learning. This is my life’s journey to complete this walk with Jesus my savior inside my heart, filling me with gratitude...