How can you be a good team leader without being an a-hole? They say there’s no I in team, yet, executive suites and corner offices remain havens for barrel-chested man-babies who treat people like they are disposable. In "Don’t Be the A-Hole on The Team; 36 Tips to Manage Better and Lead Well," leadership advisor Karl Bimshas, supplies the commonsense hacks all leaders can use to improve the performance of their team. Part Three of a three-part leadership development series, each tip in this guide is designed for you to increase your team management and leadership skills. "Trying to become a good team leader without being an a-hole can be difficult. Difficulty is not a sufficient excuse for incompetence." It is possible to be the maverick, the rebel, or the disruptor without being a jerk to your team. Use this guide as a preventative measure. Adopt several of the tips and methods discussed, and you will be well on your way to managing better and leading well.