Please visit for the eBook versions. The Fist of Beauty is an anti-Vietnam War collective of four theatrically good-looking young Berkeley University dropouts who tour the country opening protest rallies by enacting a sincere ceremony of hippie love by which they themselves live bound together in the innocent Children’s Crusade spirit of the early Sixties. One hot night at the height of 1967’s Summer of Love, The Fist throw a Love-In at their California farm and, thanks to Mahatma Jerry from the local Indian ashram, they enter into a four-way Tantric Marriage - and The Fist become a laboratory set to test, on such perfect specimens, a flower child’s first certainty: "All you need is love." Their’s is a Romance because, even when at each other’s throats, no one ever ceases to hope after and hurt for the other three. A Crime Not To Try celebrates a quartet of laughing Sixties street heroes who, as the cynical Seventies arrive, make History by refusing to stop caring.