This book delves into the intricate interplay of political, economic, and philosophic forces that have shaped popular culture, fashion, social movements and societies. Exploring the developments of the twentieth century and the transition into the new millennium, this work traces the causality between culture, fashion, philosophical discourses, and political economy. It analyses political-economic and philosophical factors to demonstrate how fashion emerges as a pivotal force that guides and shapes post-modern democratic societies and market economies.
The volume weaves together insights from sociology, cultural studies, feminist studies, fashion history, cinematography, media, entertainment industry, and social policy research. It examines how postmodern societies shaped by post-structuralist critique and neo-liberal ideologies, navigates the complexities of democracy and market economies, evolving from deeply entrenched systems of colonialism and feudalism to achieve modernization and massive technological progress and reach a social reality of postmodernist paradigms.
Topical and lucid, this invigorating work shows how fashion leads to social engineering. It will be of interest to scholars and researchers of fashion studies, popular culture, cultural studies, sociology, gender studies, political economy and political studies. This book also provides valuable perspectives for policymakers, film critics, women’s rights groups, social policy researchers, film censor boards, and journalists.