Dr S. I. Keethaponcalan teaches conflict resolution at Salisbury University, Maryland, USA. Until recently he served as Chair of the Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution Department. Prior to joining Salisbury University in 2011, he was a Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Department of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dr Keethaponcalan has also served as a researcher in several international institutions, including the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva, Switzerland, and the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. His recent publications include: Conflict Resolution: An Introduction to Third Party Intervention (2017. Lanham: Lexington Books), "Violence, Nonviolence, and Ethnic Reconciliation in Post-War Sri Lanka" (Peace & Policy. 2015), "The Peace Process and Party Politics in Sri Lanka" (Alaska Journal of Dispute Resolution. 2014), "North- South Relations and Human Rights" (Bandung: Journal of the Global South. 2015), "A Small Power’s Struggle for Independence in the Independent Era - the Case of Sri Lanka" (African and Asia Studies. 2014), "Dragon in the Teardrop: Regional Dynamics of Increasing Chinese Presence in Sri Lanka" (Global China: Internal and External Reaches. 2015. New Jersey: World Scientific Publishers), "Hinduism: War, Peace and Conflict and Peace Studies" (Peace on Earth: The Role of Religion in Peace and Conflict Studies. 2014. Lanham: Lexington Books), and "The Indian Factor in the Peace Process and Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka" (Conflict and Peace-building in Sri Lanka: Caught in the Peace Trap. 2011. London: Routledge).