André Plumier, Honorary Professor at the University of Liège, obtained his PhD on welding residual stresses and their effect on stability. He has participated in twenty research projects in earthquake engineering and hybrid structures. He conceived the dogbone, a detail for the ductility of steel structures. He was one expert building up the Eurocode 8 for seismic design (2004), to the revision of which he now officially contributes. Active as support in projects involving hybrid details and seismic assessment and retrofitting, he has also given seminars on seismic design.
Hervé Degée started as research associate at the University of Liège working on stability issues in steel and steel-concrete structures in normal and seismic conditions. Since 2014, he is professor at Hasselt University (Belgium) where he is heading the Structural Testing Laboratory (ACB²). He has been participating to about 20 European research projects and is very active in the standardization at national and European level, being a member of various working groups for Eurocodes 3, 4, 6 and 8.