Saurabh Kumar Dixit is Associate Professor and founding Head of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India. His research interests include Consumer Behavior, Gastronomic Tourism, and Experiential Management and Marketing in hospitality and tourism contexts. He has twelve books to his credit, including The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behavior in Hospitality and Tourism (2017), The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism (2019), The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing (2020) and Tourism in Asian Cities (2020). He is an editorial board member, active reviewer and guest editor of many international journals such as International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, British Food Journal, Tourismos, Tourism Recreational Research, Anatolia, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World (JGSMS) etc. His recent profile can be seen at https: //