W. John Morgan is an Honorary Professor, at the School of Social Sciences, and a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow, at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data, Cardiff University, Wales, UK. He is also a Professor Emeritus at the School of Education, University of Nottingham, where he was UNESCO Chair of the Political Economy of Education. A Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and the Royal Historical Society, he also was a Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner for the UK and a Chairman of the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO. His previously published works with Routledge include Civil Society, Social Change, and a New Popular Education in Russia (with I. N. Trofimova and G.A. Kliucharev), Philosophy, Dialogue, and Education: Nine modern European philosophers (with A. Guilherme), Buber and Education: Dialogue as conflict resolution (with A. Guilherme), Chinese Higher Education Reform and Social Justice (edited, with B. Wu) and Higher Education Reform in China: Beyond the expansion (edited, with B. Wu).