This is a city that seduces dreamers . . . then eats their dreams.
Matthew Scudder understands the futility of his search for a longtime missing Midwestern innocent who wanted to be an actress in the vast meat-grinder called New York City. But her frantic father heard that Scudder is the best—and now the ex-cop-turned-p.i. is scouring the hell called Hell's Kitchen looking for anything that might resemble a lead. And in this neighborhood of the lost, he's finding love—and death—in the worst possible places.
勞倫斯.卜洛克 (Lawrence Block)
卜洛克在十九歲便以短篇〈You Can’t Lost〉出道(後收錄在《Enough Rope》一書),當時他只是俄亥俄州Antioch College的在學學生,其後出版了超過五十篇推理小說、七十篇情色小說,後者多以筆名發表於《花花公子》等雜誌上。推理小說部份,主要有五個系列:
一、無牌私探馬修.史卡德(Matthew Scudder)系列
二、雅賊柏尼.羅登拔(Bernie Rhodenbarr)系列
四、睡不著覺的賊伊凡.譚納(Evan Tanner)系列
五、奇波.哈里森與里歐.海格(Chip Harrison & Leo Haig)系列
卜洛克絕對是當今歐美冷硬派私探小說書寫的第一人,在題材上的多方嘗試更大大拓展了他的寫作範圍,是一位成功的大眾小說家。作品曾拿下美國愛倫坡獎、尼洛.伍爾夫獎、夏姆斯獎、安東尼獎,日本馬爾他之鷹獎,德國菲力普.馬羅獎,法國Societe 813 Trophy獎;個人則榮獲美國推理作家協會(MWA)所頒發的大師獎,以及英國推理作家協會(CWA)頒發同樣象徵大師地位的鑽石匕首獎。
Lawrence Block is a Mystery Writers of America Grand Master and a multiple winner of the Edgar, Shamus, and Maltese Falcon awards. His fifty-plus books include the Matthew Scudder novels, the most recent being the critically acclaimed Everybody Dies, and the New York Times bestseller Hit Man. Mr. Block is a devout New Yorker who spends much of his time traveling.