目次Introduction: Reading Social Work, Part 1: The Profession of Social Work 1. What is Professional Social Work? Malcolm Payne, 2. Making a Difference: Lessons from History, Viviene E. Cree and Steve Myers, 3. Issues in International Social Work, James Midgley, 4. Uncertainty. The Defining Characteristic of Social Work? Jan Fook, 5. Social Work, Risk and ‘the Blaming System’ Nigel Parton, 6. Scandal, Welfare and Public Policy, Ian Butler and Mark Drakeford, 7. Research as an Element in Social Work’s Ongoing Search for Identity, Walter Lorenz, 8. Social Work and the Changing Face of the Digital Divide, Jan Steyaert and Nick Gould, 9. Addressing Barriers to Participation, Gina Tyler, Part 2: Knowledge and Values for Social Work, 10. Attachment Theory and Social Relationships, David Howe, 11. On Death and Dying, Elizabeth Kubler Ross, 12. Parent, Adult and Child, Thomas A. Harris, 13. The Promise, C. Wright Mills, 14. Developing Anti-Discriminatory Practice, Neil Thompson, 15. Black Feminist Epistemology and Toward a Politics of Empowerment, Patricia Hill Collins, 16. Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire, 17. The Role of the Law in Welfare Reform, Suzy Braye and Michael Preston-Shoot, 18. What are Values? Chris Beckett and Andrew Maynard, 19. An Ethical Perspective on Social Work, Richard Hugman, 20. Expanding the Philosophical Base of Social Work, Mekada Graham, Part 3: Skills and Practice in Social Work, 21. The Communication Skills of Therapeutic Dialogue, Gerard Egan, 22. Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation, Brian Sheldon and Geraldine Macdonald, 23. The Ecological Systems Metaphor in Australasia, Keiran O’Donogue and Jane Maidment, 24. Bridging the Past and Present to the Future of Crisis Intervention and Crisis Management, Albert R. Roberts, 25. Introduction: Power in the People, Dennis Saleebey, 26. Disabled People and Self-Directed Support Schemes, Simon Prideaux, Alan Roulstone, Jennifer Harris and Colin Barnes, 27. Models for Interprofessional Collaboration, Audrey Leathard, 28. Theorising Feminist Social Work Practice, Lena Dominelli, 29. Contributions to a Radical Practice in Social Work, Roy Bailey and Mike Brake, 30. Post-Modernism, Barbara Fawcett