繼暢銷書《謎情柯洛斯》三部曲,Sylvia Day再創情慾寫作新巔峰!
Gideon Cross,一個從裡到外、從上到下狀態都無懈可擊的男人,光鮮亮麗的外表任誰也看不出他內心曾經承受多大的創傷。他像一把明亮動人的火炬照亮了我,同時也燒灼著我,我無法躲開,也不想閃避,他是我的所有,他是我的……。
The worldwide phenomenon continues as Eva and Gideon face the demons of their pasts, and accept the consequences of their obsessive desires...
From the moment I first met Gideon Cross, I recognized something in him that I needed. Something I couldn't resist. I saw the dangerous and damaged soul inside--so much like my own. I was drawn to it. I needed him as surely as I needed my heart to beat.
No one knows how much he risked for me. How much I'd been threatened, or just how dark and desperate the shadow of our pasts would become.
Entwined by our secrets, we tried to defy the odds. We made our own rules and surrendered completely to the exquisite power of possession...