1. Alphabet Song
2. The Muffin Man
3. Rags
4. Lobby Loo
5. Teddy Bear
6. Sing a Song of Sixpence
7. Higglety, Pigglety, Pop
8. Hillary Hume
9. August Heat
10. Pease Porridge
11. Five Little Fishes
12. Engine, Engine, Number Nine
13. The Cat's in the Cupboard
14. Betty Botter
15. How Much Wood?
16. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
17. Zip, Zoom
18. Hickory, Dickory, Dock
19. Rain
20. Open Them, Shut Them
21. Gobble, Gobble
22. Six Little Fishies
23. One, Two
24. See a Penny
25. Little Bo Peep
26. B-I-N-G-O!
27. Yankee Doodle
28. Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
29. Down to the Valley
30. I Quickly Do My Homework