The action and adventure continue for Gregor in this stunning fantasy from a rising literary star.
Gregor learns of his role in another Underland prophecy, yet he swears he will never return to that place. But his vow crumbles when his little sister, Boots, is snatched. Gregor knows it is a ploy to lure him to the subterranean world, but he gives in and heads back underground, where he is reunited with his bat, Ares, the princess Luxa, and new allies. Together, they descend into the deadly Waterway in search of an ominous rat known as Bane. But Gregor must face the possibility of his greatest loss yet, and make life and death choices that will determine the future of the Underland.
★本書中譯版《地底王國 2 災難預言》由奇幻基地出版
蘇珊.柯林斯 Suzanne Collins
蘇珊.柯林斯早年從事電視編劇的工作,因受經典名著《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的啟發,構思出「地底王國」(The Underland Chronicles)系列。她成功創造出一個具幻想色彩的地底世界,書中的角色勇敢迷人又具有教育意義,出版後獲得廣大回響,除了蟬聯《紐約時報》排行榜,更獲選為《紐約時報》最佳讀物、「紐約公共圖書館100本值得閱讀與分享的好書」、新大西洋獨立書商協會(NAIBA)年度最佳小說等多項大獎。
Thinking one day about Alice in Wonderland, author Suzanne Collins was struck by how rural the setting must seem to kids who, like her own, lived in the city. In New York City, you're much more likely to fall down a manhole than a rabbit hole and, if you do, you're not going to find a tea party. What you might find...? Collins's musings led to the creation of The Underland Chronicles. "I liked the fact that this world was teeming under New York City and nobody was aware of it. That you could be going along preoccupied with your own problems and then whoosh! You take a wrong turn in your laundry room and suddenly a giant cockroach is right in your face. No magic, no space or time travel, there's just a ticket to another world behind your clothes dryer," Collins says. A writer for children's television shows for more than 15 years, Suzanne currently lives in Connecticut with her family and a pair of feral kittens they adopted from their backyard. For more information about Suzanne Collins, visit: scholastic.com/tradebooks and suzannecollinsbooks.com.