繼〝NO DAVID!〞系列中,那個每個家裡頭都有的搗蛋小男孩後,作者再次精準的描繪出每個夢想當小仙女的小女孩們的故事,也許妳就是那個可愛的愛麗絲喔!爸爸媽媽看了以後,都忍不住會心一笑原來我們家也有個愛麗絲呀!
From the author of the fabulous "No, David!" series of books, here's one for the little girls. Alice is the most adorable, precocious girl, who dresses up as a fairy (and is therefore a "temporary fairy." One has to go to a special school to become a permanent fairy.)
Everyone was always amazed by the David books because the author perfectly captures what an active little boy is like (exactly like little brother in your home). He did it again this time by perfectly capturing a little girl (like many 2-5 year olds) who hates to eat broccoli and take baths (so she hopes to use her magic wand to turn her bath into strawberry jello.) This book will definitely be high on my Christmas list to give to all of my daughter's friends this year.