★英國暢銷青少年小說家麥克.莫波格 + 好萊塢超級大導演史蒂芬.史匹柏聯手出擊!!
英國小說家麥克.莫波格 ( Michael Morpurgo) 有「天生的說書人」之稱,是英語系國家最受歡迎的青少年作家之一。他的作品在英國本本暢銷,而《戰馬》自1982年首次出版後,不斷更新再版至今。曾榮獲1982年的惠特布萊德獎(Whitbread Book Award, 即現在的柯斯達文學獎)銀獎。這個動人的故事也由好萊塢知名導演與製片史蒂芬史匹柏相中,2010年初由夢工廠買下電影版權,並且確定由史匹柏親自執導。史匹柏曾說:「從我讀這本小說的那一刻開始,我就知道這是夢工廠想要製作的電影。……小說的主旨和所傳遞的訊息提供了一個人人都會為之感動的故事。」本片預計於2012年2月上映。
A new paperback with a gorgeous cover from the upcoming movie!
In 1914, Joey, a beautiful bay-red foal with a distinctive cross on his nose, is sold to the army and thrust into the midst of the war on the Western Front. With his officer, he charges toward the enemy, witnessing the horror of the battles in France. But even in the desolation of the trenches, Joey's courage touches the soldiers around him and he is able to find warmth and hope. But his heart aches for Albert, the farmer's son he left behind. Will he ever see his true master again?
麥克.莫波格(Michael Morpurgo)
生於1943年,是詩人、劇作家、作詞人,而其中最為人稱道的身分是英國最暢銷的兒童文學作家之一,至今已創作出百餘本作品,被譽為「天生的說書人」。曾榮獲無數文學大獎,包括英國兒童文學最高榮譽──桂冠作家,以及2005年英國書商協會年度最佳作者。2006年更獲頒大英國協獎章(OBE)。莫波格在大學畢業之後擔任過小學教師,他當時堅持要每天為孩子們講故事,卻也從中發現了自己的創作天賦與寫作興趣。他的作品常見兩大創作主題,一是動物與人,一是戰爭。許多作品均被改編成膾炙人口的電影、電視劇、舞台劇與歌劇。麥克.莫波格網站: www.michaelmorpurgo.com
Michael divides his time between his writing and running Farms for City Children, a charity which each year takes up to 3,000 children to a working farm for a week. Michael and his wife Clare were awarded MBEs this year for their work with the charity. Before the first farm opened 22 years ago, Morpurgo was a teacher and his knowledge of children's experiences, plus his experience of Farms enrich his writing enormously. Michael Morpurgo has won the Whitbread Children's Book Award, and the Smarties Book Prize.