Kate Daniels has quit the Order of Merciful Aid, but starting her own business isn’t easy when the Order starts disparaging her good name. And being the mate of the Beast Lord doesn’t bring in the customers, either. So when Atlanta’s premier Master of the Dead asks for help with a vampire, Kate jumps at the chance. Unfortunately, this is one case where Kate should have looked before she leapt.
伊洛娜.安德魯斯(Ilona Andrews)
夫妻檔作家。伊洛娜和高登.安德魯斯(Ilona and Gordon Andrews)共用這個筆名。伊洛娜出生於俄國,十五歲時拿獎學金來到美國,主修生物化學。高登則是道地的美國南方人,高三那年在日本度過,後來投筆從戎,成了美國海軍,退伍後返鄉攻讀歷史,在英語課堂上認識伊洛娜。
兩人結褵十二年,育有兩個女兒,還養了二狗三貓。事實上,伊洛娜從來沒打算成為作家,她的志願一直都是當個科學家,沒想到誤打誤撞,歷經了漫長的挫折和磨難,最後出版了《魔法咬人》,走上作家之路,並且一推出就受到讀者熱烈好評,亞瑪遜網路書店平均 4.5 顆星高評價。本系列第二集更一舉攻佔紐約時報暢銷排行榜,正式躋身暢銷作家之林。
Ilona Andrews is the pen name used by urban fantasy novelist Ilona Andrews with her spouse Gordon Andrews. Ilona was born in Russia and came to the United States as a teenager. She attended Western Carolina University, where she majored in biochemistry and met her husband Gordon, who helped her write and submit her first novel, Magic Bites. Its sequel, Magic Burns, reached #32 on the New York Times extended bestseller list in April 2008. Ilona and Gordon currently live in Texas.