If you thought Nicholas Sparks couldn't possibly tug at your heartstrings again like he did in The Notebook, you were wrong. Thrown to the waves and to fate, the bottle could have ended up anywhere. But it found its way to Theresa Osborne, divorced and the mother of a twelve-year-old son. The letter inside is signed "Garrett", and is an expression of his love for a woman he has lost. Challenged by the mystery, Theresa searches for Garrett, and takes the reader along on a hunt about love.
尼可拉斯.史派克(Nicholas Sparks)
紐約時報暢銷書第一名作家,著有多本浪漫愛情小說,例如《拯救》(The Rescue)、《羅丹島之戀》(Nights in Rodanthe)以及《婚禮》(The Wedding)、《手札情緣》(The Notebook)、《瓶中信》(Message in a Bottle)、《留住一片情》(A Walk to Remember)、《人生轉捩點》(A Bend in the Road)和《守護者》(The Guardian)等書。其中《手札情緣》、《瓶中信》、《留住一片情》被改編為電影,前兩部更創下全美票房冠軍紀錄。