"The horror of one night is forever etched in Matt Hunter's memory: the night he innocently tried to break up a fight - and ended up a killer. Now, nine years after his release from prison, his innocence long forgotten, he's an ex-con who takes nothing for granted. With his wife, Olivia, pregnant and the two of them closing on a house in his hometown, things are looking up. Until the day Matt gets a shocking, inexplicable video call from Olivia's phone. And in an instant, the unraveling begins." A mysterious man who'd begun tailing Matt turns up dead. A beloved nun is murdered. And local and federal authorities - including homicide investigator Loren Muse, a childhood schoolmate of Matt's with a troubled past of her own - see all signs pointing to a former criminal with one murder already under his belt: Matt Hunter. Unwilling to lose everything for a second time, Matt and Olivia are forced outside the law in a desperate attempt to save their future together.
哈蘭.科本(Harlan Coben,1962—)
哈蘭.科本是今日美國名噪一時的暢銷小說家,1995年以《血色交易》一炮而紅,獲安東尼獎及1996年度愛德格獎的平裝版小說最佳創意獎提名。此後五年,他連續推出七部備受好評、頻頻獲獎的【博利塔‧犯罪推理】(Myron Bolitar series)懸疑小說,成為美國迄今獨攬安東尼獎、愛德格獎和夏姆斯獎三項大獎的青年作家。