故事從一個運氣背到極點的哈佛研究生開始說起,Eloise在耶誕舞會發現被劈腿,感情不順學業也踫壁,她提出論文主題「想找尋19世紀初英國神秘的間諜Pink Carnation,她為了論文到英國研習,找資料卻毫無頭緒。情急的她只好聯絡當年知名的間諜的後代,試圖從第一任及第二任Purple Gentian留下的手札書信等,找尋蛛絲馬跡透露「康乃馨」的真面目…….
Leaving Harvard to complete her dissertation on the Scarlet Pimpernel and the Purple Gentian in England, Eloise Kelly discovers lost historical information that reveals the secret life of the most elusive spy of all time, a figure who single-handedly saved England from Napoleon's invasion. A first novel. Reprint.