In this prophetic and profoundly hopeful book, Peabody and Emmy(r) Award-winning journalist Geraldo Rivera details the myriad ways Hispanics will help revitalize our declining economy, energize our distressed troops, and invigorate our national government.
Featuring candid and revealing interviews with prominent Hispanics from Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to celebrities including Jennifer Lopez and David Archuleta, The Great Progression presents a fascinating look at the impact Hispanics are making on the social, economic, and political history of the United States. From those breaking boundaries in politics to visionary leaders in the business world to everyday people willing to serve, Hispanics' involvement in society is at an all-time high-and growing exponentially. Geraldo's fearless and judicious reporting addresses the nation's most critical issues under the Obama administration and enlightens those who seek real change and a new, more progressive American era.